Clyde D'Souza

Clyde D'Souza


8 stories

Image of a person trying to put together two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
Clyde D'Souza

Clyde D'Souza

Kiwi Experience

1 story

A Santa hat on a surf board illustrating the experience of Christmas in New Zealand.
Clyde D'Souza

Clyde D'Souza


5 stories

Russian dolls signifying dependency between npm packages
An image of a ship carrying multiple shipping containers.
Clyde D'Souza

Clyde D'Souza

Publishing a book

5 stories

Image used for the cover of the book AI, Tell Me a Story created using Microsoft Designer and DALL-E
Image featuring $100 bills.
Clyde D'Souza

Clyde D'Souza

Chrome Extensions

2 stories

Cover image for this article featuring a Chrome browser over an image of leaves.
Google Chrome logo over an image from Unsplash.
Clyde D'Souza

Clyde D'Souza


2 stories

Image featuring TeamCity logo.
TeamCity logo over an image from Unsplash.
Clyde D'Souza

Clyde D'Souza

Unconditional Love

2 stories

Image featuring a couple sitting in the back of their car
Photo of a mother holding her child in her arms.